Snare case and drum throne design for Mr.Berin Tuzlic

We had a super nut session testing few of a great instruments made by Mister Ivan Fece also known by Firchie.

I was asked to design a case for it, matching the design of the snare.

As we have few videos of that session (with the main content of the session is in further preparation for the public) here is some nice shots of  Berin picking stuff.

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The case took much of effort to be made in a short amount of time.

Aluminium case, Italian leather, custom painted top, entirely handmade… turned out very prestigious…

Throne in done in wood and steel, fairly ergonomic with nice foot rest on the front leg.

Needless to say, the Firchie snare got the company, player wise also….

I just can not wait patiently enough for the set of Firchies for the WG show room.

Another case is ready.



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